We’re out of this world

Oak Grove 70 Petro to Celebrate Truckers Next Week!

OAK GROVE, MO — The Oak Grove 70 Petro, located at I-70 Exit 28 in Oak Grove, Missouri, will hold their 13th Annual Truckers Jamboree on June 10-11, rain or shine.  The Oak Grove Truckers Jamboree is a yearly event Celebrating America’s Truckers that includes exhibits,   antique trucks on display; BBQ cook-out, live music and more!  Be sure to mark your calendars and come join the fun!

More information about Oak Grove 70 Petro and photos from last year’s event may be found online at http://www.oakgrove70.com

  • Iowa 80 Truckstop


  • Iowa 80 Truckstop


  • Iowa 80 Truckstop